accent 2
Will updatesoon

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lesson 5 : The [ /ɜː/] sound as in "third"

ong Vowel [ /ɜː/]

Speech organs Position

Fullscreen capture 1302011 25044 PM.bmp

Relaxed lips, Jaw halt-open and the center of the tongue just slightly rising


Look at the mouth diagram to help you position your lips, tongue and jaw for the target sound

Highlighted bold letters pronounced as [ /ɜː/]

er - perjury, commercial, were, verse, infernal

ir - shirt, first, stir, girl, sir, bird

ear -yearn, earn, pearl

ur - urge, occur, murmuring, burden, furnace,burn

or - work, worse, world, word


Read each sentences aloud slowly at first, then as if you were telling it to someone in a natural way.

1. The girls in purple shirts were urged not to disturb sir Cuthbert.

2. This purple shirt is the worst in the world! I have no words!

3.we were working in the world bank at first; then we were transferred to the Commercial

Chambers in perth.

4. My boyfriend is a perfect nerd who makes his earnings when everyone else is yawning.

5. The girl heard that she came third in the world Championship as a hurdler.

6. Ursula observed that the boy wore a dirty purple jersey


When I was a lad I served a term

As office boy to an Attorney's firm.

The rich attorney was good as his word;

and every day my voice was heard

At the sessions or ancient Bailey

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Always Speak Slowly [it doesn't matter whether its American English or British English]

If you have an accent when you speak English, then slowing down your rate will give you more time to get your tongue and lips into the correct place to form sounds. When you pronounce sounds correctly, your accent will naturally decrease. This means that speaking more quickly will give you less time to think about how to form sounds and will result in a heavier accent. The goal is not to speak TOO slowly, but to speak slowly enough so that you can speak clearly and be easily understood.
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